

以下這篇是我唸書時最喜歡的Play: Medea
上網搜尋一下,Medea 的criticism以及introduction非常多
有人說Medea是個狠心的女人, 但我卻認為她是個可憐的女人


PS 雖然我的作文很爛,不過這篇老師給我滿不錯的評價,有耐心的人就姑且看之吧

Class: 外文四
Name: Condir Wang
Student number: D9155454

Women’s Qualities In Medea

What a woman should be is always an argumentation between genders, and the issue is also visible in Medea.

In ancient Greece, women were control by men and families, and all they did were just for men instead of for themselves. No matter what women did, they could not get anything back. Just like Pericles said “a woman’s glory is not to be mentioned, whether for good or ill.” Of course, what the chorus said was true: Men have done most of the writing, and therefore they had glorified themselves and paid little attention to the accomplishments of women. Greek men thought if women’s sex life was perfect, then everything was good.

However, Euripides showed a very different type of women, Medea. Uncharacteristically for a female character, she was strong and powerful. The play is often seen as one of the first works of a doctrine that advocates equal rights for women feminism, and Medea was seen as a feminism heroin. Moreover, some would rather than discuss her strength and independent that many Greek women didn’t have. Maybe she was from barbarian area thus she was not so close to the others when she came to the new world with her husband. Her act, thoughts, and dress were totally different from the other “normal” women in Greek. Medea's great first speech is stunningly modern in its account of the injustices done to women in patriarchal societies. Maybe some thought what she did were too over and she could just let it go. Like the chorus said even if a woman’s husband fell in love with a new one, she didn’t have to get mad because Zeus would judge everything. Although it showed Zeus would punished the bad and the good would get reward, but it also told us women couldn’t argue or get their rights by their own. What they could do were endure their husbands married others and waited for someone or ethical punished their husbands. At that time, women seemed to have no choice but got to get marry with someone even though they didn’t want to. No wonder Medea would said women were the most pathetic, because a woman had to “buy” a husband back and the husband would become the woman’s master.

All Medea did were originally from her love for Jason. Perhaps because she was barbarian thus her thought and action were always followed her natures. For love, she could kill anyone, and for hate she could do everything she wanted. We can say it’s a kind of selfish, but for her original nature, kindness was only for friends instead of enemies. From the other words, compare Medea to the other women, we can say her inner was a man. She was purposeful and brave, and when she decided something no one could change her mind. Although she was a sufferer in her marriage, however, her love, hate, and revenge were much stronger because she could not stand for anything unfair, especially in love.

Maybe some will think the play is a creation about Feminism, but I will prefer Medea’s inner emotions of passion, love, and vengeance. I think it was her unfair marriage woke her strong personalities up or she might keep endure the pressure the new environment gave her. She could endure the pressure because of her love for Jason, and she also took revenge because she loved Jason too much. In Greece, normal women’s love were enduring their husbands’ affairs but Medea’s love was revenge, I think it was Medea’s most different part from the others normal ones.


Types Of Drama ( eighth edition)

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